Friday, December 08, 2006

Surprised!! Why there is no media highlight now???

Oh is that correct???? But I just got the biggest news on the TV that "dada is back!!". Isn't that the latest and the most influencing news!!

Well now I know why a TV set is known as the idiot's box. And a TV set with a news channel on is like idiot sitting on a shit-pot daydreaming. Yes its very much like that in fact I have censored some of the last lines.

Have a look at the link below.,WZPA:2006-24,WZPA:en&oe=UTF-8&tab=wn&ncl=1111727552&hl=en&scoring=d

Oh so the OBC quota thing!!! Thats a news of the past. Look carefully and one may see that all the assurances and promises of excluding the creamy layer have been dumped. Where is the media attention now, the same media (the same &$%# media) which took it so seriously.

Stealth missile. This is what it is. The day is not far behind when there will be a need for a reservation for the general category.

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