Friday, June 09, 2006


The first of the mails started 2 weeks back, somewhat in this fashion: Kindly consider some of the following minor chnages in the specifications required.

Leading to some mails from our side: These minor changes will change our design drastically.......
Please consider a re-evaluation, as it will lead to a lot of rework, a lot of efforst have already been put into it.......

Mails from their side: Ok we are considering the changes, please send us a report on the impact of the changes...... (Not to mention this lead to more work on our part, and more reports!!%@#%$#)
We can't help but change as they are important for the customers and no need to worry about the impacts they are fine with us. (Didn't they realize earlier what the customer required......)

Alas.....not boring you more with the still on going mail exchanges, here is a snapshot of what I had already done on the layout. Note: I am not mentioning the changes in circuit design, as it dosen't look as attractive to look at in a small snapshot ;).

(Another @#$#$@%@#$% word in the end of each %@$%#@$%# mail from them)

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