Well all this started becuse of one simple reason, getting bored!!!!
Really getting too much of work or no work is one and the same thing, so inorder that my mind dosen't become devil's own workshop i have started with adozen of things. This is one of those....
This is my first ever blog, hope that you like it to the fullest.
Since I think I m writing for a blog called "GRIN" so I thought of giving agrinning incident up here...
I joined the corporate world recently (it always seems recent although i malmost 7 months into the job). The first thing we college friends needed was some cool names which could go with the office environment, since its veryakward to call by the old nicks.
The nicknames will tell their story themselves. One of us was "gadha", anotherone was popularly "randi" (sorry about this abusive word but try to get thefunny part of it and not otherwise!!) and third was "puppy".
Now for those who don't have nicknames among ur friends, let me tell u I almostforgot my name in the 4 years of graduation, and when i came back home I had tobe all ears to know when my "real" name was being called out in the family.
........come back over to my office, so we modified the names as "gads = gadha","rands = randi" and "jhuppy = puppy".
Names resolved between us, it was our team leader's turn to get a "naamkaran"(naming ceremony)........and guesss what the name came to all of our minds........ "sherni" (tigress and not sheeer+ni). Rest of the team memebers original names themselves were beyond "manipulation",so we let them as they were....u decied urself one was "popli", another one"jandial" (although we renamed him as "jaan daal" (put life in him)), then"katihaar"......
Hope to come up with some interesting new articles soon....keep me in track.....